VAL - Vacaville Art League
VAL stands for Vacaville Art League
Here you will find, what does VAL stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Vacaville Art League? Vacaville Art League can be abbreviated as VAL What does VAL stand for? VAL stands for Vacaville Art League. What does Vacaville Art League mean?Vacaville Art League is an expansion of VAL
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Alternative definitions of VAL
- Validity checks and referential integrity (Paradox for Windows)
- Valspar Corporation
- Values list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
- Vulnerability Assessment Laboratory
- Video Assisted Learning
- Naval Light Attack Squadron
- Victor's Assembly Language
- Japanese AICHI 99 dive bomber, World War I I
View 74 other definitions of VAL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VLCHH Valdosta-Lowndes County Habitat for Humanity
- VALEH VALE Hospice international
- VCETI Vallecitos Center for Employment Training Inc.
- VMRTNM Vallecitos Mountain Refuge, Taos, New Mexico
- VCM Valley Children's Museum
- VCC Valley Cultural Center
- VFBSFCA Valley Food Bank of San Fernando, CA.
- VFMA&C Valley Forge Military Academy & College
- VMRC Valley Mountain Regional Center
- VDII Valley of Decision International Inc.
- VF Valleycare Foundation
- VILM Valleyhead, Inc. of Lenox, Massachusetts
- VAI:PPA Van Alen Institute: Projects in Public Architecture
- VFBCC Vancouver Foundation, B.C., Canada
- VLETSDI Vancouver LET System Development Initiatives
- VUW Vancouver University Worldwide
- VU Vanderbilt University
- VYMCATANYCWIHS Vanderbilt YMCA- Teen Action NYC at Washington Irving High School
- VCEP Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
- VPF Vanguard Public Foundation